Writing Alive enables teachers to use cutting edge technologies to help motivate students in their writing.

Inspiration and

Students and teachers alike use the Inspiration and Kidspiration software to help plan, visualize, brainstorm, analyze, edit, and organize their writing. The Writing Alive Curriculum provides graphic organizers, planners, shapes, checklists and rubrics to use with Inspiration and Kidspiration software.
  • Example of an Inspiration project
  • Inspiration Software, Inc.

  • Smart Boards in the classroom Promethean Boards
    SMART Boards

    The CD, Writing Alive Resource Book Templates, (shapes, planners, rubrics, DSS and Student Toolbox pages) is available for use with Promethean and SMART Boards. These technologies allow teachers to make the graphic organizers becomes fully interactive. Students get the opportunity to get out of their seats to create, manipulate, and improve their writing. Click below to learn more about these technologies.
  • Promethean Boards
  • SMART Boards